About Us
Because COSMOS understands that various SMEs at different stages struggle to develop their businesses, we have a long-term vision to boost Indonesian SMEs by stimulating their value chain integration in order to accelerate their development.
Together with professional leaders who believe that SMEs are integral to Indonesian culture, COSMOS conducts research, education, and public advocacy to help Indonesian SMEs grow.
Our Approach
COSMOS believes that each and every Indonesian UKM should have an equal opportunity to grow its business, expand its market, become a trendsetter and win over a domestic market, eventually becoming globally competitive.
In addition, COSMOS strives for alleviating poverty, reducing the unemployment rate, promoting a circular economy, and accelerating economic growth for the social welfare of Indonesia, an element in SME the chain, both upstream and downstream.

Our Commitment
on Partnership and Collaboration.
As an independent think tank, COSMOS embraces every type of partnership and collaboration, as long it is based on the same purpose and values as ours.
At this initial stage, COSMOS now gets full support from Evermos, a leading social commerce platform in Indonesia that is also committed for promoting the growth and development of SMEs.
Our Vision
COSMOS will become a leading research center to develop SMEs in Indonesia to become sustainable and globally competitive in order to contribute to the social welfare of their communities.

Our Mission

Produce High-Quality Research
as an Impactful Reference in developing competitive national SMEs.

Foster Knowledge &
of SME actors to be competitive at national and international levels.

Take an Active Role in Stimulating Value Chain Integration
that supports SMEs development.
We highly value our work with collaboration, perfection, innovation, and progressive.

Pentahelix Cooperation Network
We emphasize the importance of collaboration and linkages between the five elements of the pentahelix in achieving success. Strong integration between government, academia, non-governmental organizations, business associations, and the media enables SMEs to face challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth.
- Building a stronger creative industry with hyperlocal values
- Support SMEs to build a sustainable and globally competitive business framework
- Supporting the Government to educate the public about the importance of entrepreneurship in Indonesia
- Research
- Technical Assistance
- Capacity Development
- Policy Evaluation & Recommendation
Research Roadmap
- Phase 0 (Now) : Summary of the Problem Situation
- Phase 1 : Value Chain Mapping
- Phase 2 : Value Chain Improvement
- Phase 3 : Value Chain Collaboration
- Phase 4: Value Chain Integration
- Phase 5 : Value Ecosystem Integration

Annual Activity Report
2023 : Establishing a Sustainable Work System
for SME Research
The year 2023 is a very dynamic and challenging year. Since its commencement in December 2022 and the start of its operation in January 2023, Cosmos started by completing organization’s legal and financial features. Vision, mission, roadmaps, and research topics for 2023-2024 was decided to help set the direction of the organization. Recruitment and mentoring process was carried out properly to build a robust and winning team of researchers. Within a year Cosmos has created almost 100 writings and more than 10 digital products. Detail information is available in this book.

Oversight Board

Arip Tirta
- Co-Founder and President at Evermos
- Independent Commissioner at BRI Ventures

Noviar Rahman
- Director at INFIA Group
- Adjunct Lecturer at ITB
- Associate Consultant at ICLOV
Board of Director
Executive Director

Titah Yudhistira, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Deputy Executive Director

Dr. Putu Giri Artha Kusuma, S.T., M.T., CPLM, ESLog.
Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Telkom
Research Director

Dr. Femi Yulianti, S.Si., M.T., CPLM, ESLog.
Chairman of Digital Supply Chain Program, Universitas Telkom

Prasanti Widyasih Sarli, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Program Director

Yudi Thaddeus, S.T., M.T.

Thisya Meutia Sari
Supporting Team
Rosana Yuditia Ripi
Program Manager
Devina Maharani
Community Developer
Finance & HR Manager
Asep Jaenudin
System Technology Specialist
Bayu Mukti Adjie
System Developer
UI UX & Frontend Developer
Irwan Firdaus
Data Curator