Research & Publications

Research Highlight

The research that has been conducted by Cosmos, produces concepts that are important to encourage and optimize the empowerment of SMEs in Indonesia.

Full-text Report (3)

Full-text Report

Title : Sirkulasi Produk Counterfeit Di Indonesia Dan Global

Writers : M Noviar Rahman, Yudi Thaddeus, Intan Elvira, Rayhan Arterio, Ribka Wulan S

Full-text Report

Title : Internet Marketers Report 2023

Writers : Prasanti Widyasih Sarli, Yudi Thaddeus, Intan Elvira, Rayhan Arterio, M Dwi Eriyadi, Ribka Wulan S

Full-text Report

Title : Pembiayaan Kredit dengan Agunan Kekayaan Intelektual

Writers : M Noviar Rahman, Intan Elvira

Policy Brief (3)

Policy Brief

Strategi Untuk Pemerintah Sebagai Upaya Mendorong Imers Naik Kelas

by Rayhan Arterio, Intan Elvira

Policy Brief

Solusi Alternatif Keluar Dari Cap Priority Watch List

by M Noviar Rahman, Yudi Thaddeus, Intan Elvira

Policy Brief

Tambal Sulam Permasalahan Skema Pembiayaan Ekonomi Kreatif (Ekraf) Berbasis Kekayaan Intelektual (KI) Demi Percepatan Implementasi PP 24 Tahun 2022

by M Noviar Rahman, Intan Elvira

Opinion (8)

The Twists and Turns of Realizing Inclusivity in the Work Environment

Inclusivity is a topic that we are starting to hear more and more often both in social media and in everyday life. This topic is usually often expressed by civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations as well as the government at the ministerial, provincial, city and village government levels.

Writers: Rayhan Arterio, Yudi Thaddeus, Ribka Wulan S

Behavior of SME Owners in Indonesia

Perubahan merupakan sesuatu yang selalu menjadi tantangan bagi setiap orang terutama bagi pemilik usaha. Perubahan apabila disikapi secara positif adalah waktu terbukanya kesempatan (opportunity) baru. Namun seringkali perubahan menjadi beban dan sebisa mungkin dihindari. Sayangnya, menghindari perubahan adalah salah satu perilaku yang sering ditemukan pada pemilik UKM di Indonesia.

Writers: Yudi Thaddeus, Rayhan Arterio

Creative-based Intellectual Property Potential

Perkembangan Kekayaan Intelektual (KI) atau lebih familiar disebut Intellectual Property (IP) di Indonesia terus meningkat dan semakin relevan terutama dalam untuk KI bidang kreatif. Namun demikian, penelitian dan tulisan mengenai Kekayaan Intelektual bisa dibilang belum banyak. Hal ini menjadi salah satu indikator bahwa KI kreatif belum mendapatkan perhatian yang cukup sehingga belum dapat menjadi industri yang matang. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini hendak mencoba berkontribusi dengan memaparkan dan memetakan terkait KI ini.

Writers: Yudi Thaddeus, Rayhan Arterio

Writers: M Noviar Rahman

Potential of local creative IP in the national and global economy

In my previous article, I provided a basic explanation of the character-based IP development model through social media distribution channels. Because I have so many captivating examples to share, the article has become quite long, and I hope it encourages you and motivates my creative friends to pursue their passions and contribute to this intriguing industry.

Writers: M Noviar Rahman

Preparing for the “Infinity War” of the digital economy: SMEs versus Imported Products

Pada pidato Kepresidenan, Joko Widodo menyampaikan kekhawatirannya pada ekonomi digital Indonesia. Beberapa poin yang disorot diantaranya terkait dengan perlindungan data konsumen Indonesia dan isu predatory pricing. Dalam paparannya, pembuat regulasi mestinya dapat mengurai potensi permasalahan yang muncul seiring dengan dinamisnya perkembangan teknologi.

Writers: Intan Elvira

The ghost of dumping from China

Tiktok Shop ditutup oleh pemerintah atas dasar Permendag 31 Tahun 2023 karena menggabungkan fitur media sosial dengan e-commerce ke dalam satu platform yang sama. Nyatanya, permasalahan utama TikTok bukan sebatas itu saja. TikTok diduga membuka celah praktik predatory pricing dan dumping.

Writers: Intan Elvira

Diving Deeper into the Dynamic Tapestry of Indonesia’s Creative Intellectual Property Landscape

As we traverse through the time, reflecting upon a year since my foray into the intricacies of financing Creative Intellectual Property (IP), it’s evident that the world of creative IP remains expansive, pulsating with potential, and ever-relevant. Allow me to be your guide through the twists and turns of this dynamic landscape, providing a comprehensive update that promises to excite and captivate.

Writers: M Noviar Rahman

Research Article (9+)

Advancing SMEs, Where to Start?

As the largest contributor to employment, the sustainability of SMEs determines the welfare of the Indonesian people. What should be done to sustain SMEs and optimize their potential?

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Bank Mandiri
acc no. 1310020181873
a/n Perkumpulan Penggerak Usahawan Cergas

Research Topics for 2023 - 2024

Funding Challenges for Creative Economy

How can Business in Creative Economy get loans using their IP as collaterals

Dealing with Counterfeit

With greater brand value comes counterfeiting risk.

High Tech SME

What better way to create value than to enter the world of high tech industry.

Creating Value in SME using Creative-relevant Skills

A step on developing value chain and value chain integration.

IT Adoption

Understand how and how much technology is used in Indonesian SMEs.

Toys Industry

So that the toy industry in Indonesia is able to grow and develop bigger.

SME Contribution to Natural Disaster Recovery

For SMEs to be ready to contribute and be accepted as one of the suppliers of necessities in times of disaster.

Social Impact

Understand the positive impact of SME empowerment on improving the social conditions of the community.

Our Agenda (2)